The Bearded Lady

Auntie Greg. I need your help.

Being a woman with a large amount of stubble I was hoping you've had experiences with men complaining about their faces being scratched and such when you kiss them. However, my partner has shown a large amount of displeasure at my chin hair, and although he is clean shaven, I told him he was perfectly entitled to grow a lower-face-jungle of his own. But the problem is that I want a hoard of hair to call my own too, but he won't have any of it. Don't I have rights here?

Surely we're all allowed to make our own choices in life?

Surely we're allowed to dream?

Surely we're allowed to live with freedom?

Surely we're allowed to live life to the full?

Surely we're allowed to grow hair wherever it is plausable?

Please tell me my extra-close-friend is out of line here, and that beard growth in women is as important as both freedom of speech, breathing, and farming.

All the best,

Curly Davey The English Lady

Dear Curly Davey,

My dear woman of course you have rights in this department. You should be able to do whatever you like. I would say grow a full beard and join the circus, it can be very lucrative. Being a beard-wearer myself I must say that it is a wonderful experience, and everyone who has the ability to do so should indeed try to grow one.

There is one problem here though Davey, freedom is a two way street. Yes, you have the freedom to grow your beard but your partner also has the freedom to have his own opinions about your beard. If he does not like it he also has the freedom to walk away from your relationship. You may be of the opinion that growing a beard will cement your relationship, but I have to ask the question, would it be worthwhile losing your lover for your beard? The choices we make in life shape us more than we can ever appreciate.

Have a think.

Much love,

Auntie Greg x

P.S. The circus comment still stands.

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