The Odd One Out

My Dear Greglodite,
What does one do when one feels one is imposing upon a group of people....should one apologise and run the risk of humility, should one raise the topic in hope that the group might say 'oh dont be ridiculous!' or should one, with modesty and serenity, step away...crawl into a corner...and die a lonely death??

Yours with much antici...................pation


Your problem is one that many people share, the problem of fitting in. Confidence issues are bound to plague humans for the rest time because of one thing, our need to belong. You ask the question 'should one raise the topic?' in order to find out whether or not you do fit in. I am of the opinion that you should not ask this question! I say this because there must always be characteristics which draw individuals together into a group, and if it is the case that you no longer fit in with the group you must ask the question, why did I fit in with the group in the first place? Once you have discovered this attribute, or attributes, that you had in common with the rest of the group you should then consider whether it is you who has changed or whether it is the rest of the group who have moved down an avenue in life to which you can no longer relate.
Then I'm afraid that the decision lies with you. Friends, family and agony aunts can help observe situations but only you can act on information and advice and make the decision yourself.
The thing that I will say is that if you do come to the decision that you want to part company with the group, there are probably other people out there who will understand you, and are waiting to befriend you. The other thing is... ALWAYS remember to be yourself.
Much love,

Auntie Greg x
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